Submit to Nasslit!

Well, it’s that time of year again — the Nassau Literary Review is open for submissions! We invite all Princeton students to submit their writing and artwork for our Spring 2013 issue.

If you want to get a feel for the sort of pieces we’ve accepted in the past, you can check out our past several issues in PDF form. You’ll also want to take a look at our submission guidelines, which we’ll summarize here for your convenience:

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Send your work to with “Submission: Category [Prose, Poetry, or Artwork]” as the subject.

The submission guidelines for work submitted to the Nassau Literary Review are detailed below for prose, poetry, and art.

Prose and Poetry:

• Submit your work as a word document and not in the body of an email.

• The document should be titled as follows: “LastName_Genre_Title” for poetry and “LastName_Genre_Title_WordCount” for fiction.

• Do not put your name anywhere within the document itself: this is because we have a blind selection policy.

• Try to keep it under 25 pages.

• We accept plays, screenplays and translations.


• The resolution of the image submitted should be above 600 pixels for a one-page spread.

The deadline for submissions is NOVEMBER 7 AT 11:59PM, so don’t miss out!


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The Nietzschean and the Chimp