Spring 2013 Edition and Submissions: March 29, 2013

The Nassau Literary Review presents its Spring 2013 issue, a collection of the best student prose, poetry, and artwork on campus. We would like to thank everyone who worked on and contributed to this issue. We would also like to thank everyone who came to our launch party at Small World Coffee. Everyone involved helped to make this issue what it is.

In the coming week, our staff will be distributing this issue around campus, including in Frist, residential colleges, eating clubs, dining halls, and other public places.

If you can’t find an issue, you can download a pdf of our issue here.

Here are some pictures of the launch party. If you couldn’t make it this time, please do come to our next one!!

In addition, we would like to announce our submissions deadline, which is MARCH 29, 2013. Send all work to nasslit@princeton.edu. Here are the submissions guidlines:

Prose and Poetry:

  • Submit your work as a word document and not in the body of an email.
  • The document should be titled as follows: “LastName_Genre_Title” for poetry and “LastName_Genre_Title_WordCount” for fiction.
  • Do not put your name anywhere within the document itself: this is because we have a blind selection policy.
  • Try to keep it under 25 pages.
  • We accept plays, screenplays and translations as well.


  • We accept any resolution for submission, but on acceptance we do require above 600 pixels for a one-page spread.

Finally, here are some photographs of the launch party. If you couldn’t make it this year, please do come to our next one!


Launch Party Instagram Competition


I Know It When I Hear It