Deadline for Submissions: Friday, March 29th

The Nassau Literary Review invites all students to submit their writing and artwork for the Fall 2013 issue!

DEADLINE: March 29th, 11:59PM.

The Nassau Literary Review is pleased to announce that we are open for submissions for our Fall Issue! The deadline is coming up, however, so make sure to apply soon! If you want to get a sense of what sorts of submissions end up in the magazine, check out our previous issues here. And be sure to take a look at our Submissions Guidelines, which we’ve quoted for your convenience below:

Prose and Poetry:

  • Submit your work as a word document and not in the body of an email.
  • The document should be titled as follows: “LastName_Genre_Title” for poetry and “LastName_Genre_Title_WordCount” for fiction.
  • Do not put your name anywhere within the document itself: this is because we have a blind selection policy.
  • Try to keep it under 25 pages.
  • We accept plays, screenplays and translations.


  • The resolution of any image submitted must be at least 300 dpi.
  • If you want to submit an image to be a one-page spread, it must be at least 600 dpi.
  • If possible, do not send us art in JPEG or GIF formats, as they will inevitably be lower-quality than a PNG, TIF, or PSD image due to compression.

And one final note: due to the large amount of submissions we receive, we do NOT accept submissions from anyone except Princeton University undergraduates. We hope to see you submit and look forward to seeing your work!


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