Share the Stage With Jhumpa Lahiri

We’re pleased to announce an opportunity for students to share the stage with Pulitzer Prize-Winning author Jhumpa Lahiri on April 13, 2016. Those interested should submit poetry or fiction on the theme of “Cultural Translations: What happens when the values of home clash with the values of a new environment?” There is no hard length requirement or limit, but writers should be advised that they should submit something long enough to read for a substantial amount of time and that if a chosen piece is very long we will ask the writer to read only a selection. Submissions are due at midnight on Sunday, April 3, and should be sent to Please include your submission as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file — do not paste it into the body of your email.

The event itself will take place on Wednesday, April 13 at 4:30pm, and it will feature a reading by Lahiri herself followed by shorter readings by the winners of this contest.

Lahiri Submissions Poster 2

If It’s a Drink, It’s Not Dinner: Hollywood Diets and What My Mom Would Say


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